Flyber is a simple way for any A&P anywhere to advertise, connect with and book clients. Here we provide a step by step guide on how to use Flyber to connect with clients, schedule and book service. It’s simple and we’re happy you’re here!
Create a Listing
For any service, click or tap on “list a service” and we begin! At the top of the listing creation page you’ll see a category drop down, select A&P Services. If you have multiple skill sets you wish to list, feel free to create multiple listings. We do not charge for you to create a listing.
- Image: If you have a headshot or other image you can upload this image on this page. This step is not required, but it is recommended.
- Title: Give your listing a title to help users know concisely what you’re offering (such as “Annual Inspection” or “Power Plant Repair” or a general title “Aircraft Maintenance and Inspection”. Just help users quickly identify what you provide.
- Price: This is your price per hour charge. Keep in mind to make sure your pricing reflects your minimum hourly booking. So if you charge $100/hour and your minimum booking time is 2 hours, your price is $200.
- Where do you operate: You can place an airport here such as “KPAE” or “KIWA”. You can generally state a region such as “Western Washington” or “East Valley Arizona”. Or you can simply state “Mobile”. Whatever your comfortable with or whatever suites your needs best.
- State: This is not an operational limitation, just a database reference that helps search functions and listing service providers. Whatever state you’re based in – even if you’re mobile, is best here.
- Tags: We have pre-listed tags, but any single word here will do for your tag. This helps your listing be found easier and allows people to search via tags to narrow their search criteria down more specifically.
- Extras: If you have other services you can provide for extra charges such as parts cost or a fee for your travel if you were to work off-site – you would add this here. You can add as many items here as you wish. It is entirely customizable and itemized.
- Description: Short and sweet, what are you providing? How do you help your clients? Provide some details here.
There are various settings to help people book and schedule your services. You can manipulate these services to fit your needs as a provider.
- Booking note: This is simply an additional note that is revealed once the booking is complete. This can be anything such as more pertinent details. For example, a thank you note for using your services or providing a list of required equipment for a student to bring with them (headset, iPad or sectional charts) and so on.
- Booking offset: How much notice do you need before the booking? One week? 24hrs? Set this offset here in days.
- Booking window: How many days in advance can your clients book your services? This is highly dependent on your schedule and is set by number of days.
- Booking days: These are the days you wish to work with clients on our platform. M-F? Just the weekends? Totally up to you!
- Booking available: Set as a from and to function you can determine how early in the morning you can receive bookings and how late at night as well.
- Booking duration: This is the total booking time for the service you are providing. The price must match the cost for the entire duration. For example, if the booking duration is 3hrs and you charge $75 per hour the price should show no less than $225 (you can make the price higher if you wish to off-set other costs or include costs in the overall price.
- Booking slot interval: Do you need time in between bookings? To clean or reset? Attend to personal needs? This item is set in minutes.
- Manually accept new bookings: Select this box if you want to review all bookings before their accepted and placed on your calendar.
Once you’ve completed the form’s required attributes, you’re ready to list! You will received an email once you’ve listed your service and any time someone books your services. Listing a service does require registration, but is completely free of charge.